Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy 17

Today is kind of a hard day for me. This picture is of Chase on his 1st birthday. Today at 10:00 a.m. he turned 17. No nearly as much fun as 1!

Its hard because he is such a hard place in his life and he cannot seem to get himself out. He is stuck between being a boy and wanting to be a man. I watch all the mistakes he continues to make and I cannot seem to help him. He makes such bad choices in the things he does, the people he hangs around with and the fact that he would rather sit on the outside alone instead of being on the inside with those who love him most. It breaks my heart that he would rather stay home than be with his family. The people he hangs with are not his friends and he found that out as soon as he did not have a car anymore. He thinks whats important is how many "friends" you have on facebook or how many texts you get. I need him to under that what is most important is right in front of him.